Saturday, December 20, 2008


so i was like reading someone else's blog
and it was some guy who'se head over heels over his girlfriend
like, TOTALLY. lol. in a non sickening kinda way ya noe.
its all so very cheesy. but somehow i kinda like a bit of the cheesy-ness.
the never ending proclamation of undying love. haha.
its so cute.. and hey, if i was the girl id feel happy. ecstatic? nah. not really
id feel happy, really happy.
its like knowing that ure loved. and its in the internet and all.
like everyone knows.... and you know.. and some stalker knows.. lol.

i miss feeling that way.
to feel loved, not by your family. by someone special.
now i sound cheesy. ~ oh well. bye.

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